Get Inspired. Elevate Your Firm or Legal Department with Knowledge Management & Innovation.

Improve quality, consistency, and efficiency in your organization.

Meet Patrick DiDomenico

After almost 10 years as a litigator, I grew frustrated by the inefficiency of practicing law. There had to be a better way. So, I stopped practicing, became my firm's first Chief Knowledge Officer, and focused on innovative ways to help other lawyers improve the practice and business of law. 25 years later, having led KM & Innovation efforts in multiple Am Law 100 firms, I created my consultancy so I could help more lawyers - both at law firms and in corporate legal departments. 

Case Studies

Client: Large International Bank

  • The Bank's Legal Department had difficulty managing its huge repository of documents, and locating lawyers with experience in specialized areas of law. They needed to optimize the Legal Department's operations to help more effectively and efficiently serve the Bank's business units. 

  • InspireKM Consulting created a custom KM Roadmap plan to understand the issues, diagnose the main pain points with technology tools, processes, and personnel. Together, we prioritized solutions and developed a strategy for optimizing their operations, including the appointment of a full-time KM leader and a step-by-step plan for the future.

Client: Large National Law Firm

  • The Firm sought new ways to enable their attorneys to work more efficiently and effectively. They were unsure where to begin and had few insights, since previous efforts had little positive impact. 

  • After interviewing several of the firm's attorneys and administrative staff to understand their challenges, followed by an in-person strategy and collaboration session, InspireKM Consulting developed a custom KM Roadmap plan.  The focused solution was two-fold: (1) develop a change management and adoption plan to promote the underutilized services and tools the firm already had, and (2) explore search tools to give attorneys access to model documents and information about colleagues' experience, thus optimizing efficiencies in the practice of law and business development.